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BDes field trip to Furniture Factory in Dewas

Thursday 20th of July 2023

The 5th-semester BDes students of the Industrial Design discipline and 3rd-semester students of the Spatial Design discipline visited a Furniture Factory, "Exclusive Sofa" based out of Dewas on 20th July 2023. The students were accompanied by Dheeraj Chugh, Assistant Professor, School of Design at Avantika University, Ms. Nidhi, Visiting Faculty, and Sitaram Sharma, Workshop Instructor, Avantika University.

The idea was to show the entire making process of customized upholstered furniture. This understanding will eventually help the students for making their prototypes in their course on Furniture Design.

The students got themselves engaged in asking about the materials and the making process of the Furniture. They also collected sample pieces of different fabrics used for Upholstery.