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The Spirit of Avantika

Design-Centric Learning at Avantika starts with engaging the learners to confront challenges. The learners will solve these challenges through analysis, reflection, ideation, synthesis, prototyping, and testing the impact. As the academic program progresses, these challenges change in terms of their scale, complexity, and ambiguity involved. Learners invest energy, time, and effort into these tasks. This approach leads them to ask questions and seek answers through reflection, collaboration, and interaction. The faculty members act as facilitators and collaborators in this endeavor. Learning at Avantika is just in time and not just in case.

Core Features


Avantika aims to nurture and cultivate young minds who will serve as enlightened citizens, bringing positive change to society.


  • To provide contemporary and personalized education with a 21st century curriculum and learning focused on what really matters in life.
  • To nurture a robust ecosystem led by innovation and enterprise to generate exciting research and creative outcomes.
  • To ensure a high-quality student experience through a breadth of activities and opportunities with an emphasis on experiential learning.
  • To foster an inspiring learning environment and promote a culture of independent thinking with a focus on intellectual and practical dexterity.
  • To embed a deliberate approach to sustainability and instill the values of socially, economically, and environmentally responsible citizenship.


  • #Create, Change, Transform
  • Freedom of Thinking
  • Academic Rigor and Excellence
  • Integrity and Diligence
  • Collaboration over Competition
  • Individuality, Diversity, and Universality
  • Social and Moral Responsibility

Core Features

  • #Designeering
  • Foster critical, lateral, and analytical thinking
  • Focus on how to learn and not what to learn
  • Sensitivity and alertness as world citizens
  • Spirit of design, innovation, and enterprise
  • Liberal and creative approach to education
  • Project and problem-based learning
  • Qualitative, relevant, and contemporary education
  • Harbor intellectual and practical dexterity - Skillset and Mindset
  • Promote independent thinking and intellectual boldness

Admissions 2024-25

Education for the Next Generation to Built a Better World !!