Stratagems for Time Management

Stratagems for Time Management

27, October 2018

Each college student has a lot going on in his mind, sometimes this student is not able to manage all his work or assignments on time and gets a little sulky. This is the best time for this individual to get some impetus and considering the pretty hectic schedule of students at Avantika University, this weekend they organised a great SparkTalks session with a leading motivational speaker who is a prominent figure in the industry. This wonderful guest was none other than Mahendra Joshi.

Mahendra Joshi is a motivational speaker, author of 19 books and an image consultant whose ideas have turned out to be huge success over time. Founder of an organization known as ‘Beyond Imagination’, he has helped people achieve goals which they never deemed possible and has instilled confidence even in utmost unsure minds.

We could just feel the regality of the air when he walked in. The sway of confidence in his body language was undeterred and forged by years of experience giving motivational speeches and conducting training sessions for every possible profession, be it the Police academy or the esteemed IITs. Mahendra Joshi is the name that always comes up whenever any corporate or college wants to boost the morale of their operatives or students. He started his talk briefing the students about how to manage time and have a great system for allotting time to the things that we like and prioritizing important things at the same time.

The session began with a very warm welcome gesture of animation made by Rohan Goje. With such a fabulous welcome, he started off with a new found vigour and appreciation. With gobsmacking ideologies and pretty decent examples, the session started out with students jotting down the pearls of wisdom. The Extra-Mile mentality was introduced to us which simply meant how to make more effort than what is expected from a person and how it creates tremendous difference in ones lifestyle. Then after a few topics and an array of examples of his trips to various places and his meets with inspirational people, he announced a fun interactive activity. He told us to form a circle and follow his lead. Obviously it had to have a little twist. So he takes his left hand and quickly keeps on his cheeks while yelling ‘On head’. Now here’s where the fun was. Most of the people followed the hand movement of him whilst ignoring his verbal command. This was his point to prove that how you trust your visual sense more than other senses and how we should learn to master them all.

This great session ended with a podcast being shot wherein a student had a fireside chat with him. His promptness and unambiguity in his answers made him shine in an even brighter light. He answered many questions like how a designer would. For all we knew, he is a mellojello flavoured ice cream (lots of colours and jelly). Its guests like these that keep the students motivated and inspired to do work for they have to step in a world that is extremely vast and still alien and people like Mahendra Joshi help us navigate by making us help ourselves find our true meaning and the potential that lies within us.

Written by,
Atharva Dahotre

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