SparkTalks with Prathamesh Krisang

SparkTalks with Prathamesh Krisang

03, August 2018

On 3, August 2018, an interesting session was conducted by Mr. Prathamesh Krisang; an award- winning filmmaker, self-made graphic designer and entrepreneur. The session started with the screening of the short-film “One Last Question” which highlights the struggle of the people of Assam during the secessionist movements of 1998.

He told us about his early life as an entrepreneur and how he started getting inclined towards 3-D Animation. He started his journey with a dream of working with Pixar. By collaborating his entrepreneurial and creative skills, he started selling his ideas in the form of posters, logos, and videos. His expedition of ‘Jagriti Yatra’ got him acquainted with Manjit, whose blog inspired him to make the movie. His struggle to get the movie done after facing all the hardship was motivating in itself.

The movie was mind numbing and created such connect of the audience with the characters that it gave us all chills from the first second till the rolling credits. There was one scene specifically, towards the end of the movie, which was the most beautiful metaphor towards the sad thing that happened in the movie. The story he got out into the world was a great motivation to get a different point of view and was a roller coaster ride for each and every one of us.

He talked about how important it was to start. Just to begin with what you have and then work everything out to deliver what you have promised. He started his business with knowledge in animation and soon realized that he could work on Photoshop quite well too. He just kept on taking in orders to make videos and other print media. He was given bigger projects every time and instead of saying no, even if he lacked the skills at the time, he said yes. That was the learning to him. Hands on! Practical! In the situation learning!

The discussion was exciting enough for aspiring entrepreneurs as he made the students look at the business world from a whole new perspective.

His thoughts on strategizing were quite intriguing. He told us that strategizing plays a key role in any field. No matter how great the idea is, having a plan for how things are going to react is very necessary. The importance of observation, empathy and how they play an integral part in achieving success was discussed.

The realization that, the end is not as important as the journey because the journey teaches an individual about the significance of many aspects of life which they might take for granted otherwise. He said something that struck a chord with all of us, “Short term speed and long-term patience”. We all rush towards our future. We want to run to reach the final stage in our careers without even going through all the stages. But if we push right for the present and keep a cool mint mind for the future, then there is nothing that can inhibit this success.

We had a question answer session with him and the questions kept flowing like a ready stream of water. There was so much we were all intrigued about. A few very interesting questions were asked to him. We asked him what flavor of ice cream he would refer to himself as. And he said that he liked to think of himself as Vanilla, something that can mold to anything else.

The crowd did not leave his side at all. It shifted from the classroom to the mess for a cup of tea. The insight we all got on the creative and business thought process and how it is to manage both together and the feedback on how to start was all very thought-provoking.

The discussion went on till the time he had to finally leave and had to be pulled out from it so that he could reach his flight in time.

The experience was truly something.

His experiences were truly something too.

Written by
Gauri Singh

Activity Type: SparkTalks
Organized by: iConnect Team

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