SparkTalks with Mr. T.N. Hari (Head – HR, BigBasket)

SparkTalks with Mr. T.N. Hari (Head – HR, BigBasket)

22, September 2018

This weekend had a special vibe to it, for this Saturday a very special guest blessed us with his presence. This time it was T.N. Hari, the HR Head of Big Basket. So you can guess the gravity of the event and how much we would have learnt that day.

Despite all his achievements he is one of the most humble persons one can ever meet. He is a graduate of IIT Madras and IIM Calcutta. In his career spanning 30 years, he has taken various engineering and product management roles. He's been a part of multiple start-ups and scale-ups and helped shape four successful exits in different industries,

  1. Daksh - A BPO company acquired by IBM
  2. Virtusa - An IT services company which is listed on NASDAQ
  3. Amba Research - An investment research company acquired by moodys
  4. Big Basket - Independent

There was a remarkable podcast in which Mr. Hari was asked to answer a small set of questions. As soon as the questions fired off, Mr. Hari was there to knock it right out of the park. His journey over the years in various roles had made him experienced beyond all levels. As soon as the session began, we could all feel the energy gushing all over the place. As expected, the entire room was feeling lively the very moment he entered. He radiated confidence and had the ability to instigate it in others. After years of leading various teams into different projects successfully, one develops that kind of personality and attitude. When he walked into the class, everyone went completely silent. That was the power that he held.

The sessions started and believe me, when I say that those 2 hours could be cited as the best 2 hours one could have for a great weekend learning. He told us all about how to manage time, a common yet unsolved problem and Game Theory.

We discussed about how to instil leadership qualities within ourselves and make our team reach the top. Be it the class project or a large multinational level project. Just when we thought that this could be the extent of the topics that could be brought up, it shifted to a deeper level. We talked about life. How we expect so much from our and others lives and how it ends up hurting us. After a certain point of time everyone was in the ambience of discussion. Students were enjoying the session to its full extent. Mr. Hari cleverly made the students answer their own problems by themselves.

After making every one satisfied about their own responses, Mr. Hari concluded the session, and what better way to conclude than taking a great group photo with all the students!

It was an absolute honour to have such a senior, experienced member right here with us. We all learnt a lot about everything, including life, from him. It was a very enriching experience for one and all.

Written By,
Avantika Kulkarni

Organized By: iConnect Team

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