Sneak Peek - HUES 2021

Sneak Peek - HUES 2021

23, February 2021

The long-awaited 2021 kicks off with the colorful HUES-the first annual cultural fest at Avantika University. HUES depicts the vast variety of colors, the gradation of color by virtue of which it is noticeable as red, green, blue, yellow, etc., beyond its wavelength, intensity, or lightness. This is synonymous with the vast culture that coexists on our campus.

The fest was celebrated on the theme ‘Resonance of Life’. Resonance to a physicist means the phenomenon shown by a vibrating system, but to a human, it is enriching the sense of being until he makes his life satisfactory enough. It was specially organized for students to take a break from their regular schedule; and for once become what they actually are and want to be - just students, enjoy and make more than just memories.

A series of events were planned throughout the day at the national level to create a unique experience that will be cherished for a lifetime. The Dean and Coordinator of Students Affairs along with the members of the Student Council played an important role in the organization and coordination of HUES 2021. The fest was aimed at building a sense of camaraderie as well as giving a platform to celebrate their talents, attributes, and spirits. The series of competitions included Naadbrahma-music and dance, Abhivyakti - poetry, drama and storytelling enthusiasts, Rangdari-illustrators, painters, and sculpture artists, Pratibimba-photography contest, Online Mystery-Online Treasure Hunt, and What’s Good-shoutout to all the student who runs small businesses.

Amongst all events, Online Mystery and Whats’ Good were the most engaging and interesting in-house events. The students were given riddles to solve the treasure hunt and another one was to give a shoutout to students who run social media pages and business. All competitions had their respective judging panel, criteria of judging, and also rules for submissions. The judgment and acceptance of submission were on the basis of the leads and co-leads of each event. Students participated with great enthusiasm and fervor, performed their extraordinary performances, and won rewards.

The one day fest concluded with the closing ceremony, vote of thanks and the announcement of winners. Thanks to all the enthusiastic participants, organizers and everyone that was involved in making HUES 2021 a great success. Kudos to all the winners!

Written BY

Moulshree Verma

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