Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education

16, November 2021

Artificial Intelligence is no longer limited to imagination and fictional movies. It has slowly and gradually made its way into the education domain while revamping the teaching-learning process globally. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has contributed majorly by providing image identification, speech recognition, text to speech or vice versa, and noteworthy education solutions. AI has had a considerable impact on the education industry as it has customized the learning technique and now it can be personalized for every individual.

Educational institutions catering to higher education now use AI for the admission process and improve the student experience. All activities pertaining to student performance, progress, learning material, project submission, tests, and all other academic activities can be tracked easily with the help of AI-powered solutions. At the onset of the pandemic, all the exams were conducted smoothly in online mode with the assistance of AI-enabled exam tools.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises meaningful education advantages that include personalized learning custom-made to suit student preferences. Learning is ensured by increasing student engagement with the help of AI-powered educational games while learning a subject. Machine Learning (ML), Data Science, neural networks, and other similar disruptive technologies are now being used as device evaluation instruments that are more assuring than old school evaluation systems.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) when linked with AI have opened a new door of imagination and creativity. Now, when educational institutes are offering engineering in regional languages, this new combination of AI, VR, AR will be a turning point. Hence, AI is aiding higher education institutes in their pursuit of innovation with improved student engagement and better learning. AI has helped teachers and students in different ways where it has boosted human intelligence rather than substituting it. AI tools can be used by teachers to track student progress in real-time, assisting them to figure out any roadblocks in the primary stages only. Identifying tough topics where students faced problems in learning and recommending solutions for improved learning.

The pandemic came in as a crash course for everyone when we talk about education on the digital front. We are now equipped to accept the new and upgraded era of education with AI as the vital element. We in India are still at the outset when it comes to the required infrastructure in the field as AI technologies call for high computation power and high-speed connectivity. Educational institutes have taken a step ahead and are building next-generation campus infrastructure to meet the needs of new-age tech-savvy students. Avantika University is one of the best btech artificial intelligence colleges in madhya pradesh where students complete both a set of core courses that are part of the BTech degree at the University plus a set of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses. The program concludes with a real-world Artificial Intelligence capstone project.

The future of AI is inexplicable. With a smartphone in almost every hand, the screen time spent by every individual, all this would correspond to making our data clones on the server. The classrooms of the future will be the global classrooms, that will be open to all, comprising of individuals from varied backgrounds.

Though AI is still in its inception, compared to human evolution it would carve its own growth path with limitless possibilities. So far, We have only peeled the surface of what’s possible.

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