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Course Display | Decorative Luminaire Design | 4th October 2023

The 7th-semester BDes ID students showcased an exhibition of Decorative Luminaire Design. These unique luminaires were the result of the student's hard work during an elective course focused on Decorative Luminaire Design.

During this 4-week course, students explored a wide range of materials, including paper, acrylic, and wood, combining them with advanced technologies such as laser cutting, CNC cutting, and 3D printing to bring their luminaire concepts to life.

The exhibition was thoughtfully arranged in a dimly lit room with warm and inviting lighting, creating an ambiance that perfectly complemented the luminaire designs, highlighting their beauty and functionality.

The course was led by Dheeraj Chugh, Assistant Professor - School of Design, and under the special guidance of Sukanta Kundu, Professor - School of Design, and Kapil Sharma, Assistant Professor - School of Design.