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The course on Photography, jointly conducted for the students of Industrial Design and Communication Design, aimed to equip the students with a solid foundation on how to effectively use their cameras in manual mode through a series of practical classes and demonstrations.
The Industrial Design students, under the guidance of Prof. Sukanta Kundu and the visiting faculty Mr. Dipankar Dhara, had a hands-on opportunity to enhance their photographic skills in shooting products and learned how to light an object by using a variety of light sources from natural light to a studio set-up. The Communication Design students, led by Asst. Prof. Rupesh Gajbhiye, were encouraged to understand the visual choices they are making and how to apply them to their own expressive aims. Further, students attempted the product photography using matt, metallic, transparent and textured products and then developed the creative digital media ads from the captured product images. The course concluded with an exhibition of all the substantial work produced.
