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The Foundation Year Liberal Arts course for the students of Fashion Design was led by faculty Prabodh Mishra along with Rupal Joshi. The School of Fashion believes that the students without the knowledge of the history, origin and culture are like the trees without roots. The course, History of Fashion, was sketched to develop the roots of the students in the field of fashion design and develop an appreciation for the rich Indian cultural heritage that will propel them to anchor their career ambitions in designing.
The students comprehensively surveyed the dresses of ancient civilizations and analyzed the men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, accessories, and cultural styles of various eras of Indian history. They created a live window display replicating the essence of the medieval Indian civilization and ancient Egyptian civilization with self-designed jewelleries and styling themselves based on the historical characters reflecting the socio-economic and cultural implications of fashion in the chosen timelines.
