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The Foundation year Liberal Arts Course- ‘Science of Nature’ was led by Gautam Karve along with the Faculty members - Dheeraj Chugh, Rajat Akre, Rushikesh Pawar, and Manesh Patil. The course commenced with an introduction to the Scientific Method, and moved on to lectures, videos and assignments centered on the theme of Creations of Nature, specifically- materials and nano- machines (proteins) produced by various lifeforms. Here the wide range of tasks that lifeforms accomplish (locomotion, filtering, pumping, self-defense, sensing, information processing (DNA) etc.), were compared with capabilities of man-made machines. The assignments involved analysis of animal locomotion; and interpretation of science news articles through multimedia. The course concluded with an Exhibition set up by the students that showcased their assignments. The students enthusiastically and proudly displayed their work to the visitors.
