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The course on Digital Image Making focused on developing a basic understanding of photography. The mentors, Rupesh Gajbhiye and Ambrish Polekar conducted the course with the objective to make students familiar with DSLR and bases deliver output in the form of expected result through the assignments. Many challenging and learning-based assignments were given to students like Choose a Color, Choose a Shape, Something Different, Reflection, 100 Steps etc. The course exposed the students to Stop Motion; how to build, develop, and ideate. They also learnt developing characters, story, backdrop and animate using Premiere Pro and other such softwares. Students demonstrated exceptional results in this course which was the highlight of the exhibition as well.
The course on Information Visualization was mentored by Prof. Kirti Trivedi and Rupesh Gajbhiye with the objective to build capabilities to segregate and divide information in visual hierarchy and distribute its relevance using graphic language. In today's world when all information is available on a click of a second, how we can analyse, highlight and convert that data into visual graphical representation is very essential and challenging. The Students learnt converting such information into visual language for the larger audience using minimalistic text and graphical language.
