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The course on Typography was largely conducted by Prof. Kirti Trivedi and Rupesh Gajbhiye with the goal to inculcate the fundamental and principles of typography, beginning with a historical overview of the development of typography to the communication design students. The course was largely conducted through increasingly complex assignments which revolved around technical inputs about various aspects of typography. The course aimed to teach the young learners how apply intelligently and by understanding principles of typography in all communication design assignments. Students developed skills which will help them to understand how they can use typography as communication with pre-fabricated letterforms. It also helped them differentiate between Typography, Lettering, and Calligraphy. They also learned to recognize type-families, their characteristics and, structure and anatomy of a type like x-height, ascenders, descenders, counters, cap-height, baseline etc., different weights and styles of types and typographic variables like leading, spacing, kerning and tracking.
