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The course on Communication Design aimed at developing the student’s understanding of brand identity and communication of its brand value through designing different collaterals. Under the mentorship of Prof. Kirti Trivedi and Rupesh Gajbhiye, the students of the M.Des program learnt the various concepts and processes of branding like research, mind- mapping, and customer survey etc., and developed different packaging formats, ADs, merchandises, websites etc., to establish the brand identity of selected products aiming to increase their brand value. As part of their course project, the students did exemplary work by giving birth to Design Studios by the name of ‘Between the Lines’ and ‘Thumbnail’ aiming to provide communication design solutions to people, revamping the print and digital presence of Jaipur International Film Festival to increase its brand value, packaging design by the name of ‘Mudra Sanskriti’; a handicraft brand providing packaging design solutions to the Yoga and handicraft sector, and Infographics of the FIFA World cup. The course helped the students understand brands, perspectives, importance of versatile thinking, ways and tools of doing customer survey, and the essence of communication design in uplifting the brand identity of any product.
